Project Name: Horticulture Value chain Project (HVP)
Donor: Agence Franaise de Dveloppement (AFD)
Start Date: November, 2014
End Date: December, 2017
Contribute to the uplifting of horticulture (yields, quality standards, market value) and enhancement of capabilities of the private sector, through specific pilot actions in target areas.
Overall Objectives:
- The Afghan private sector nursery industry and its associated organizations and institutions meet the demand, nation-wide, of Afghan farmers for certified perennial planting material for increased planting of modern orchards.
- Adaptive research and technical development programmes are successfully providing the technical solutions to increase orchard productivity and value for the consumer at household, and national level.
- Pilot demonstration of enhanced post-harvest management systems and market driven value chain development for pomegranate and apricot crops within target areas and target groups.
- A soundly based and profitable citrus industry in eastern Afghanistan is developed.
- Increasing awareness and management capability of ANHDO and its partners lead to enhance ownership, self-confidence, governance and sustainability.
ANNGO as national representative of the nursery industry promotes the establishment of provincial associations that gather all the private nurseries that accepts the ANNGO certification scheme. As result the technical level of the fruit tree nursery industry in Afghanistan is raised to standards appropriate to the development of a modern orchard industry.
Adaptive research and technical development programmes are successfully providing the technical solutions to increase orchard productivity and value in orchard of apricot, pomegranate and citrus for consumer at household, and national level.
Pomegranate value chain improving with enhanced harvest and post-harvest systems and quality standards upgraded for export and home market, Apricot value chain improving with enhanced harvest and post-harvest systems and quality standards upgraded for export and home market.
New study on CTV strain and rootstock tolerance/resistance, give clear strategic decision making tools for citrus industry stakeholders and open more opportunities, Citrus value chain improving with enhanced harvest and post-harvest systems and quality standards upgrading for export and home market.
Increasing awareness and management capability lead to a better governance for ANHDO and other non-profit organizations working in horticulture, a long term strategy for ANHDO is developing to be owned by the organization, Increasing awareness on gender issues and gender role in the horticulture subsector.